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Advice ​

A couple of lines of text and an avatar

We are still updating this page

Some data may be missing here — we will complete it shortly.

Usage ​

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import InfoIcon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/button/InfoIcon'
import DotsIcon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/button/DotsIcon'

const description = ref('Let\'s signal the manager that the deal is not moving, the manager does not call the client back and does not respond to his messages. Let\'s assign a task to the manager on behalf of the manager')

  <div class="mb-4 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-start gap-4">
    <B24Advice :description="description" />
    <B24Advice angle="top" :description="description" />

  <div class="mb-4 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-start gap-4">
    <B24Advice :description="description" :icon="InfoIcon" />
    <B24Advice angle="top" :description="description" :icon="InfoIcon" />

  <div class="mb-4 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-start gap-4">
    <B24Advice :description="description" :avatar="{ src: '/b24ui/avatar/assistant.png' }" />
    <B24Advice angle="top" :description="description" :avatar="{ src: '/b24ui/avatar/employee.png' }" />

  <div class="mb-4 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-start gap-4">
    <B24Advice :avatar="{ src: '/b24ui/avatar/assistant.png' }">
      <span>Typically, instructions on how to add a SAML application and add the ACS URL and SP Entity ID can be found in the Microsoft Azure technical documentation. </span>
      <B24Link to="" target="_blank" is-action>
        Read more
    <B24Advice angle="top" :avatar="{ src: '/b24ui/avatar/employee.png' }">
      <div class="flex flex-col items-start justify-between gap-1.5">
        <div class="font-bold">
          Reference information
        <div>Typically, instructions on how to add a SAML application and add the ACS URL and SP Entity ID can be found in the Microsoft Azure technical documentation.</div>
        <div class="mt-2 flex flex-row flex-wrap items-start justify-between gap-2">
          <B24Button size="xs" color="primary" label="some action 1" />
          <B24Button size="xs" color="link" depth="dark" label="some action 2" />
          <B24Button size="xs" color="link" depth="light" :icon="DotsIcon" />


Props ​

Prop Default Type
The element or component this component should render as.
angle"bottom""bottom" | "top"
b24uiPartial<{ root: string; descriptionWrapper: string; descriptionBorder: string; descriptionBg: string; descriptionAngle: string; description: string; leading: string; leadingIcon: string; leadingAvatar: string; leadingAvatarSize: string; }>
icon(props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any
Display an icon on the left side.
Display an avatar on the left side.

Slots ​

Slot Type

Emits ​

Event Type

Released under the MIT License.