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InputMenu ​

An input field with live autocomplete suggestions.

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Some data may be missing here — we will complete it shortly.

Usage ​

Use the v-model directive to control the value of the InputMenu or the default-value prop to set the initial value when you do not need to control its state.


Use this over an Input to take advantage of Reka UI's Combobox component that offers autocomplete capabilities.


This component is similar to the SelectMenu but it's using an Input instead of a Select.

Items ​

Use the items prop as an array of strings, numbers or booleans:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const items = ref(['CRM settings', 'My company details', 'Access permissions', 'CRM Payment', 'CRM.Delivery', 'Scripts', 'Create script', 'Install from Bitrix24.Market'])
const value = ref('CRM Payment')


You can also pass an array of objects with the following properties:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const items = ref([
    label: 'CRM settings',
    value: 'settings'
    label: 'My company details',
    value: 'my_company_details'
    label: 'Access permissions',
    value: 'access_permissions'
const value = ref({
  label: 'My company details',
  value: 'my_company_details'


You can also pass an array of arrays to the items prop to display separated groups of items.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const items = ref([
  ['CRM settings', 'My company details', 'Access permissions', 'CRM Payment', 'CRM.Delivery'],
  ['Scripts', 'Create script', 'Install from Bitrix24.Market']
const value = ref('CRM Payment')


Value Key ​

You can choose to bind a single property of the object rather than the whole object by using the value-key prop. Defaults to undefined.


Multiple ​

Use the multiple prop to allow multiple selections, the selected items will be displayed as badges.


Ensure to pass an array to the default-value prop or the v-model directive.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const items = ref(['CRM settings', 'My company details', 'Access permissions', 'CRM Payment', 'CRM.Delivery', 'Scripts', 'Create script', 'Install from Bitrix24.Market'])
const value = ref(['CRM Payment', 'CRM Payment'])

    placeholder="Insert value"

Delete Icon ​

With multiple, use the delete-icon prop to customize the delete icon @bitrix24/b24icons in the badges. Defaults to Cross30Icon.


Placeholder ​

Use the placeholder prop to set a placeholder text.


Content ​

Use the content prop to control how the InputMenu content is rendered, like its align or side for example.


Arrow ​

Use the arrow prop to display an arrow on the InputMenu.


Color ​

Use the color prop to change the ring color when the InputMenu is focused.



The highlight prop is used here to show the focus state. It's used internally when a validation error occurs.

Size ​

Use the size prop to change the size of the InputMenu.


Icon ​

Use the icon prop to show an defineShortcuts inside the InputMenu.


Trailing Icon ​

Use the trailing-icon prop to customize the trailing icon @bitrix24/b24icons. Defaults to ChevronDownIcon.


Selected Icon ​

Use the selected-icon prop to customize the icon @bitrix24/b24icons when an item is selected. Defaults to CheckIcon.


Avatar ​

Use the avatar prop to show an Avatar inside the InputMenu.


Loading ​

Use the loading prop to show a loading icon on the InputMenu.


Disabled ​

Use the disabled prop to disable the InputMenu.


Examples ​

With items type ​

You can use the type property with separator to display a separator between items or label to display a label.


With icons in items ​

You can use the icon property to display an defineShortcuts inside the items.



You can also use the #leading slot to display the selected icon.

With avatar in items ​

You can use the avatar property to display an Avatar inside the items.



You can also use the #leading slot to display the selected avatar.

With chip in items ​

You can use the chip property to display a Chip inside the items.



In this example, the #leading slot is used to display the selected chip.

Control open state ​

You can control the open state by using the default-open prop or the v-model:open directive.



In this example, leveraging defineShortcuts, you can toggle the InputMenu by pressing O.

Control open state on focus ​

You can also use the @focus directive to control the open state.


Control search term ​

Use the v-model:search-term directive to control the search term.


With rotating icon ​

Here is an example with a rotating icon that indicates the open state of the InputMenu.


With create item ​

Use the create-item prop to enable users to add custom values that aren't in the predefined options.



The create option shows when no match is found by default. Set it to always to show it even when similar values exist.


Use the @create event to handle the creation of the item. You will receive the event and the item as arguments.

With fetched items ​

You can fetch items from an API and use them in the InputMenu.


With ignore filter ​

Set the ignore-filter prop to true to disable the internal search and use your own search logic.



This example uses refDebounced to debounce the API calls.

With filter fields ​

Use the filter-fields prop with an array of fields to filter on. Defaults to [labelKey].


As a CountryPicker ​

This example demonstrates using the InputMenu as a country picker with lazy loading - countries are only fetched when the menu is opened.



Props ​

Prop Default Type
The element or component this component should render as.
type"text""number" | "reset" | "submit" | "image" | "color" | "text" | "button" | "date" | "time" | string & {} | "search" | "checkbox" | "file" | "datetime-local" | "email" | "hidden" | "month" | "password" | "radio" | "range" | "tel" | "url" | "week"
The placeholder text when the input is empty.
color"default" | "danger" | "success" | "warning" | "primary" | "secondary" | "collab" | "ai"
size"lg" | "md" | "xs" | "sm"
Removes padding from input.
removes all borders (rings).
removes all borders (rings) except the bottom one.
Rounds the corners of the button.
trailingIconicons.chevronDown = `ChevronDownIcon`(props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any
The icon displayed to open the menu.
selectedIconicons.check = `CheckIcon`(props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any
The icon displayed when an item is selected.
deleteIconicons.close = `Cross30Icon`(props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any
The icon displayed to delete a tag. Works only when `multiple` is `true`.
content{ side: 'bottom', sideOffset: 8, collisionPadding: 8, position: 'popper' }Omit<ComboboxContentProps, "as" | "asChild" | "forceMount">
The content of the menu.
arrowfalseboolean | Omit<ComboboxArrowProps, "as" | "asChild">
Display an arrow alongside the menu.
Render the menu in a portal.
When `items` is an array of objects, select the field to use as the value instead of the object itself.
labelKey"label" as neverstring
When `items` is an array of objects, select the field to use as the label.
items(boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem)[] | (boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem)[][]
The value of the InputMenu when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the InputMenu.
The controlled value of the InputMenu. Can be binded-with with `v-model`.
Whether multiple options can be selected or not.
tagColor"default" | "danger" | "success" | "warning" | "primary" | "secondary" | "collab" | "ai"
Highlight the ring color like a focus state.
createItemfalseboolean | "always" | { position?: "bottom" | "top"; when?: "always" | "empty" | undefined; } | undefined
Determines if custom user input that does not exist in options can be added.
Fields to filter items by.
When `true`, disable the default filters, useful for custom filtering (useAsyncData, useFetch, etc.).
b24uiPartialString<{ root: string; base: string; leading: string; leadingIcon: string; leadingAvatar: string; leadingAvatarSize: string; trailing: string; trailingIcon: string; tag: string; arrow: string; content: string; ... 18 more ...; tagsInput: string; }>
When `true`, prevents the user from interacting with listbox
The name of the field. Submitted with its owning form as part of a name/value pair.
The open state of the combobox when it is initially rendered. <br> Use when you do not need to control its open state.
The controlled open state of the Combobox. Can be binded with with `v-model:open`.
Whether to reset the searchTerm when the Combobox input blurred
When `true`, hover over item will trigger highlight
icon(props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any
Display an icon on the left side.
Display an avatar on the left side.
When `true`, the loading icon will be displayed.
When `true`, the icon will be displayed on the right side.

Slots ​

Slot Type
leading{ modelValue?: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem | (boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem)[]; open: boolean; b24ui: any; }
trailing{ modelValue?: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem | (boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem)[]; open: boolean; b24ui: any; }
empty{ searchTerm?: string; }
item{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
item-leading{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
item-label{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
item-trailing{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
tags-item-text{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
tags-item-delete{ item: boolean | AcceptableValue | InputMenuItem; index: number; }
create-item-label{ item: string; }

Emits ​

Event Type

Released under the MIT License.