Input ​
Usage ​
Use the v-model
directive to control the value of the Input.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
const value = ref('')
<B24Input v-model="value" />
Type ​
Use the type
prop to change the input type. Defaults to text
Some types have been implemented in their own components such as Checkbox, Radio etc. and others have been styled like file
for example.
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface ExampleProps {
type?: any
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
type: 'file'
You can check all the available types on the MDN Web Docs.
Placeholder ​
Use the placeholder
prop to set a placeholder text.
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface ExampleProps {
placeholder?: string
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
placeholder: 'Search...'
Color ​
Use the color
prop to change the ring color when the Input is focused.
The highlight
prop is used here to show the focus state. It's used internally when a validation error occurs.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { InputProps } from '@bitrix24/b24ui-nuxt'
export interface ExampleProps {
color?: InputProps['color']
isHighlight?: boolean
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
color: 'default',
isHighlight: true
Tag ​
Use the tag
property to display a small legend on top of the Input.
Use the tagColor
property to set the color for tag
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { InputProps } from '@bitrix24/b24ui-nuxt'
export interface ExampleProps {
tagColor: InputProps['tagColor']
tag?: string
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
tagColor: 'default',
tag: 'info'
Size ​
Use the size
prop to change the size of the Input.
Size ​
Use the size
prop to change the size of the Switch.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { InputProps } from '@bitrix24/b24ui-nuxt'
export interface ExampleProps {
size?: InputProps['size']
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
size: 'md' as const
Icon ​
Use the icon
prop to show an @bitrix24/b24icons inside the Input.
<script setup lang="ts">
import CrmSearchIcon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/crm/CrmSearchIcon'
Use the leading-icon
and trailing-icon
props to set a different icon for each position.
<script setup lang="ts">
import TaskIcon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/button/TaskIcon'
import RocketIcon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/main/RocketIcon'
Avatar ​
Use the avatar
prop to show an Avatar inside the Input.
<script setup lang="ts">
import Bitrix24Icon from '@bitrix24/b24icons-vue/common-service/Bitrix24Icon'
:avatar="{ src: '/b24ui/avatar/employee.png' }"
:avatar="{ icon: Bitrix24Icon }"
Loading ​
Use the loading
prop to show a loading icon on the Input.
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface ExampleProps {
isLoading?: boolean
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
isLoading: true
Disabled ​
Use the disabled
prop to disable the Input.
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface ExampleProps {
isDisabled?: boolean
withDefaults(defineProps<ExampleProps>(), {
isDisabled: true
Props ​
Prop | Default | Type |
as | 'div' | any The element or component this component should render as. |
modelValue | string | number | |
id | string | |
name | string | |
type | "text" | "number" | "reset" | "submit" | "image" | "color" | "text" | "button" | "date" | "time" | string & {} | "search" | "checkbox" | "file" | "datetime-local" | "email" | "hidden" | "month" | "password" | "radio" | "range" | "tel" | "url" | "week" |
placeholder | string The placeholder text when the input is empty. | |
color | "default" | "danger" | "success" | "warning" | "primary" | "secondary" | "collab" | "ai" | |
size | "lg" | "md" | "xs" | "sm" | |
noPadding | boolean Removes padding from input. | |
noBorder | boolean removes all borders (rings). | |
underline | boolean removes all borders (rings) except the bottom one. | |
rounded | boolean Rounds the corners of the button. | |
required | boolean | |
autocomplete | "off" | string |
autofocus | boolean | |
autofocusDelay | 0 | number |
disabled | boolean | |
tag | string | |
tagColor | "default" | "danger" | "success" | "warning" | "primary" | "secondary" | "collab" | "ai" | |
highlight | boolean Highlight the ring color like a focus state. | |
b24ui | PartialString<{ root: string; base: string; leading: string; leadingIcon: string; leadingAvatar: string; leadingAvatarSize: string; trailing: string; trailingIcon: string; tag: string; }> | |
icon | (props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any Display an icon on the left side. | |
avatar | AvatarProps Display an avatar on the left side. | |
loading | boolean When `true`, the loading icon will be displayed. | |
trailing | boolean When `true`, the icon will be displayed on the right side. | |
trailingIcon | (props: HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps & {}, ctx: Omit<{ attrs: Data; slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>; emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; expose: <Exposed extends Record<string, any> = Record<...>>(exposed?: Exposed) => void; }, "expose">): any Display an icon on the right side. |
Slots ​
Slot | Type |
leading | {} |
default | {} |
trailing | {} |
Emits ​
Event | Type |
Expose ​
When accessing the component via a template ref, you can use the following:
Name | Type |
inputRef | Ref<HTMLInputElement | null> |