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App ​

Encases your app to deliver global settings and additional features.

Usage ​

This component implements Reka UI ConfigProvider to provide global configuration to all components:

  • Enables all primitives to inherit global reading direction.
  • Enables changing the behavior of scroll body when setting body lock.
  • Much more controls to prevent layout shifts.

It's also using ToastProvider and TooltipProvider to provide global toasts and tooltips.

Use it as at the root of your app:

    <NuxtPage />


Learn how to use the locale property to change the locale of your Nuxt or Vue app.


Props ​

Prop Default Type
toasternull | ToasterProps
scrollBodyboolean | ScrollBodyOption
The global scroll body behavior of your application. This will be inherited by the related primitives.
The global `nonce` value of your application. This will be inherited by the related primitives.

Slots ​

Slot Type

Released under the MIT License.